Forgot to set my camera on macro so the photos aren't all that sharp but I just had to include all the different designs we came up with.
Here are my 3 samples:-
Here are the Flourish makes.
And here are the Feather makes.
Lastly a couple of cards I made this evening whilst putting all the stash away.
A good day was had by all.
Lovely variety of cards and all so beautiful.
Hope you have a good day. Sue
Very enjoyable morning and lovely to meet up with friends again. Thank you.
I really like how you've chosen to add touches of lace to your work. I once was an avid crocheter, and could make lace almost in my sleep. I even made an entire tree garland using Lily fine thread and a tiny hook!
Nowadays, I am into digital artwork, yet I still appreciate the beauty of hand stitched everything!
Thank you for stopping by our Studio's blog!
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